Digital Workplace

The customer is the focus - also with the cloud (Thurgauer Kantonalbank TKB)

Published on 7 January 2025
The Cantonal Bank of Thurgau (TKB) is capitalising on innovation for its advisory centre: a Cloud solution by SPIE ICS.
«The Cloud is no panacea. But with the right partners to assure agility, flexibility, scalability, functional scope and cost reduction, it is the best solution.»
Curdin Schenkel, IT Manager TKB
TKB is already one of the first banks to operate a modern advisory centre. The migration of the advisory centre to a Cloud solution has been considered within the framework of the Best of Breed outsourcing strategy that it aspires to. This realisation was conditional upon upholding the regulatory requirements (the FINMA criteria), safeguarding information security as required by TKB and having a reliable partner. Of course the customer should not have to accept any limitations or losses of function during the realisation and introduction of the project. The service should be able to be adopted fully and without interruption from the start.
A Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) was implemented in the sector of reporting and call handling for the service centre and for all neighbouring systems and extended features. All sustainable operating output is guaranteed and can be expanded flexibly and quickly. The FINMA requirements are covered by the private Cloud in two redundant high security centres. Responsibility for installation, configuration and operation is outsourced. The only remaining responsibility of TKB is then the agent structure.
  • Customer focus is fully assured
  • Flexibility & agility are strengthened
  • Simple scaling (agents can be expanded as required) with ‘pay what you use’ model
  • Outsourcing of the lifecycle management and essential test areas
  • Strong partnership between SPIE and B+S in relation to Cloud solutions
TKB IN brief
The Cantonal Bank of Thurgau (TKB) was established in 1871. This financial institute, which is listed on the stock exchange, is the leading full-service bank for business and the public in the Canton of Thurgau.
With 29 locations TKB is characterised by a strong local presence. In addition to its branches TKB also has a highly diversified network of ATMs. TKB is one of the largest employers in the Canton with more than 700 employees and 50 apprentices.
Learn more about TKB: www.tkb.ch