- Climb Every Mountain22.06.2022A CISO or any security leader must base actions on reality. This means no rose-tinted glasses, but…More
- Less is more21.04.2022More
- Extreme Prejudice22.12.2021More
- Beyond the purple cow09.11.2021More
- In the thick of it08.10.2021More
- Listen, Trust and Verify19.07.2021More
- Operational Resilience and Business Continuity25.05.2021More
- Don't stop at the lights19.04.2021More
- Think once, think twice, think data!16.03.2021More
- Cyber Security Philosophy15.02.2021More
- Software Defined Network - security04.12.2020After the first two articles in this series dedicated to SDN, first as a global concept, second app…More
- Creating a Safer Post-COVID Workplace with Cisco Webex and IoT-Environmental Sensors27.10.2020SPIE is very concerned with the security and the safety of its employees. Therefore, through this C…More
- Software Defined Network - campus14.09.2020Following the first article about SDN in a broad sense, this time, I would like to focus on SDN app…More
- Software Defined Network07.08.2020More